Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hibernation is for the birds...'er' I mean the BEARS!

Typically when you think of hibernation, you think of winter and bears. Well, here at Animals of Montana, our bears don't follow that rule of nature. The other day while I was out in the facility, I noticed Muckaday, one of our black bears, leave his den, waddle over to some feed we had for him, sniff it, and decided sleep overruled hunger so he returned to slumber land. Usually Muckaday dens up late in the Fall straight through into Spring, with Awly sleeping side by side together, but that day the temps climbed into the 50's, so it felt enough like spring, and sprung him from his sleep. Our grizzles are a different story. The mischievous trio, Adam, Griz and Yosemite are much too curious and worried that they are going to miss something, so they pretty much stay awake throughout the winter months. Another reason why our bears don't truly hibernate is that we supply a constant feed source for them if they choose. Those that want to stay awake, eat. Those that don't, slumber. Guess who the 3 "little" piggies are!

Photographing or filming our wildlife models during the winter months can produce interesting and unique photo opportunities with these big bruins in the snow. The black bears are a bit more sluggish, but still very photogenic. Our grizzlies take advantage of having something new to play with! They definitely live up to being known as "opportunists" and take advantage of every opportunity that comes their way!

There are times we wish our infamous five would suspend their eating in exchange for 6 months of shut-eye. It would certainly help in reducing our enormous feed bill! Alas, we would miss their longing stares as they follow our every move, hoping we'll come over so they can "nuk" on us for comfort, until they loll themselves back into their dream-like state. That is, until another "can't resist" opportunity" comes knocking!

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