Saturday, January 14, 2012

NEW Website Coming Soon!

Yes, that's right!!!

Animals of Montana will be launching a new website in the next few weeks, it’s going to be a HUGE step up from the existing site! To help us promote and circulate the word we are asking for anyone that can help us and is willing to advertise/post this “news” on your blog/website/facebook, etc. (Thank you) The website address will remain the same:

Also, if anyone is interested in contributing to our Blog as a “guest blogger”, we welcome it, please get in touch!

The animal actors are all doing great! Still in desperate need of snow for photographing ~ but the weatherman is predicting a fair amount for this coming week. Fingers and toes are crossed that it happens!

We are in the midst of our Winter Wonderland Wild Cat tour and we have a great group of photographers! The Snow Leopard performed wonderfully for the group along with all of the other animals we've filmed...but by far, Photographing the Snow Leopard in the snow has been the all time favorite!

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