Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Labor of Love

Today is our feed and clean day. Yesterday we had to make a run to Billings to get a pressure washer part that needed to be replaced. Expensive machinery for parts, especially when it's a 300 mile round trip too, but it's a must to keep cages clean and our animal acting family disease-free. Although, those pesky little mites still sneak their way in sometimes, and then we get the lovely experience of sulphur dipping those animal actors infested in the "green goo". Let me tell you what a fun experience that is dipping our 700 pound grizzly Adam! Afterwards, we look like ghost busters that have been slimed! And it stinks to high heaven on top of it all!

This year we've gotten a bit of a break because of the unseasonably warm temperatures, so our back breaking ice picking before pressure washing has been at a minimum. There's still a whole lot of winter left in Montana! I wish I could describe the excitement and anticipation that envelopes our entire facility when we begin the F&C day. Our animal family are all in the best of moods, wagging tails (if they have one), talking to us either individually as we approach them, or in a harmonious chorus of wolves howling, mountain lions chirping, and Mufasa, our Barbary African Lion, bringing up bass with his deep roar that vibrates deep down into your soul and throughout the Shields Valley we call home. It makes for a great way to start our day here at Animals of Montana! A magical place to photograph or film our animal actors who are clean, happy & healthy critters!

And who needs a gym when we have a F&C day! We get an all day workout with either carrying 100 pounds of food at a wack, or hanging on to the wand that's spewing out 3000 pounds of water pressure cleaning every cage inside and out. Definitely a labor of love, but we wouldn't trade it for the world! By the end of the day, we're exhausted and our animals content.

It's makes for a nice way to end our day.

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