Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hiking and Photographing in the Bridger Mountains

Not long ago we set out on a journey to hike to Sacajawea Peak, named in honor of the Shoshone woman who joined the Lewis and Clark Expedition in 1805. The day was gorgeous...not too hot, a slight breeze and absolutely clear skies.  Sacajawea Peak is a 2.21 mile hike one way and much of the hike is quite steep.  Our hike began at about 10 am and we reached the top just after 11 am for a quick bite, and a stunning view of the Valley - Big Sky Country!  At an elevation of 9665 feet you can really see for miles and miles, amazing views.  The photography opportunities are to die for...the wide variety of mountain wildflowers is incredible combined with the vast views of the valley make the perfect combination.  Flowers such as Indian Paintbrush, Purple Bluebells and White Lillie's cover the ground as you make your way up the mountain.  It seemed a popular place to hike so the threat of seeing any predators on the trail was quite slim. As a precautionary, we did carry bear spray and talked loudly amongst each other for the entire hike.  This is a hike that I would highly suggest to everyone that is physically able...it's definitely an experience to be placed on your bucket list!  Be sure to bring your water bottle and a camera and take advantage of the great photo opportunties that the Bridger Mountains has to offer!

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