Thursday, March 1, 2012

Photograph Montana Wildflowers and Wildlife - The Perfect Combination!

We are nearing the season when Montana blooms with color! Fields and hillsides are layered with an array of colors...yellows - Arrowleaf Balsamroot, Reds - Indian Paintbrush, Blues - Bluebells and many others.

The best time to photograph Wildflowers is a cloudy, overcast day. Direct sunlight will cast harsh shadows and create bright highlights on wildflowers, causing a disaster for exposure.
The clouds act as the perfect light diffuser: giving you the most perfectly balanced light you can get.

When photographing wildflowers, it’s easy to focus all your attention on the beautiful flowers and forget about the background. But, a good background will help your image by drawing more attention to your subject. We organize tours specifically focused around the Wildflowers season. Allowing you to photograph Wildlife in Wildflowers - Picture Perfect!

May and June is a great time for baby animals and the Montana Wildflowers. Photograph Baby Wolf pups howling intently surrounded by a hillside of Arrowleaf Balsamroot. A beautiful sight and a memorable experience!

Join us on our Spring Wildflowers and Babies Tour OR the Nature's Lullaby Wildlife Baby Photo Tour coming up this Spring!

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